Fetch Module#

The gtrending.fetch module includes functions for fetching trending repositories and developers from GitHub Trending.

Optional parameters to specify the programming language, spoken language, and the date range can be used.


All parameters are case-insensitive.

  • Programming language: language (str), eg: “python”, “vimscript”.

    This specifies the primary language that repositories are written in, when searching trending repositories, and the primary language a developer’s trending repository is written in, when searching for trending developers

  • Spoken language: spoken_language_code (str), eg: “en”, “es”.

    Only applicable to fetch_repos().

    This specifies the primary spoken language of the trending repository, or of the trending developer’s repository.

  • Date range: since (str). Must be one of daily, weekly, or monthly.

    The date range of which the repository or developer is trending for. This parameter affects the currentPeriodStars value of the resulting list of dictionaries returned. See the documentation page of fetch_repos() function for details.

  • Sponsorable: sponsorable (bool), eg: True.

    Only applicable to fetch_developers().

    Whether to only include developers with sponsor URLs. Defaults to False.

Helper functions for the validation of these parameters are available in the ParamUtils module

Return values#

Where a list of dictionaries are returned, here are the keys in each dictionary for repositories:

author              str
name                str
avatar              str (url)
description         str
url                 str
language            str
languageColor       str (hex)
stars               int
forks               int
currentPeriodStars  int (stars increase for date range)
builtBy             list (dicts)
    username            str
    href                str
    avatar              str (url)
fullname            str ("user/repo")

And here are the keys for developers:

username         str
name             str
url              str
sponsorUrl       str
avatar           str (url)
repo             dict
    name             str
    description      str
    url              str
    descriptionUrl   str